5 Lining Styles For Gorgeous Lips

5 Lining Styles For Gorgeous Lips



Do you use Lip Liner? Sometimes using liner pencils can seem daunting and you may feel anxious about how to apply it without looking like a clown.

Here at LBC, we have many different ways to apply lip liner and several unique looks you can create, depending on your lip shape and your preferred style.


Here are some of our tips and tricks for applying lip liner to fit your unique beauty style:


1) Lip Liner 101 - Here's a fun technique for beginners. Start by drawing an X in the center of your top lip at the cupids bow. Then outline the outer corners of your lips. After that, trace the center of your bottom lip. From there, connect the lines to finish the outline, and fill in the rest of the lips with the liner color.



2) After lipstick lining - Another easier method is to add the lip liner after applying lipstick. This is helpful because the lipstick has already created the line on your lips and it makes it easier to know where to apply the liner.


3) Contouring - There are several different ways to contour. This method will add more dimension and depth and will accentuate your lip shape. Start by using foundation or concealer over the lips to lighten the lip area. Next, line the outside of the lips, and then go back and fill in the area inside the lines, especially around the outside corners, to create a darker contouring effect. For more contouring, you may also add lines down the center of the lips or add lines circling from the lip line out to the edge of the lips before applying a matching lipstick.  




4) Full Pout - This technique will make your lips appear larger, or help out those with thinner lips. Start by applying concealer or foundation over the edges of your lips to 'erase' your natural lip color and line. Line your lips just outside your natural lip line. Avoid going too far out of your natural lip line or it can end up looking very wrong.  


5) Straight Line - This look can be achieved by drawing a straight line on the top and center lip, across the cupids bow, and not drawing the natural lip curve. This can help create a fuller look to the lips.



Helpful tips:

Pencil angle - Tip the pencil to one side when drawing the line to widen and soften the inner line on the lips.


Things to avoid - You may want to avoid what is sometimes called 'Rollercoaster Lips'. This happens when lips are lined by using a color that is much darker or much lighter than the lipstick shade used, and a bold heavy line is drawn all the way around the lips. When this is done, the line can end up looking way too harsh and the lips will have a flat, 2-dimensional look to them instead of a full, natural line.




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